To grow the size of the Church’s membership by translating attendees of the Church into new Church members through enrollment into the Transformers Life Development Programme (TLDP), getting them trained and acquainted with the core beliefs of The Transforming Church (TTC), then sending them forth to the Transformers Human Capital Academy for workforce training.
The Transformers Life Development Programme is the main Christian Education arm of The Transforming Church, which serves as the bridge that brings “attendees” and “intending members” of the church into “full active membership”. The programme was designed to help participants of the programme develop a good understanding of The Transforming Church, i.e., the Church’s history, vision, mission, foundational beliefs, and principles that continue to guide the operations and culture of the Church.
Specifically, the Transformers Life Development Programme (TLDP) is saddled with the following responsibilities:
- Support the growth aspirations of The Transforming Church by exploring innovative ways of onboarding new participants into the programme, leading to their commitment as members of the Church.
- Ensure that students who undergo the programme are properly trained to understand the history, core ideologies, and growth process of The Transforming Church.
- Ensure that participants of the programme understand what is required of them as members of the Church, and gain their commitment to abide by the creed / membership covenant of the Church.
- Introduce the students to a journey towards spiritual maturity and developing a quality lifestyle given to the Word, Prayer, Giving, and personal Fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
- Guide the students on a journey towards discovering their SHAPE – Spiritual gifts, Heartbeat, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences / encounters that will adequately prepare them for the ministry they have been called unto.
- Help the intending members of the Church understand God’s expectation for them and their role in leveraging their SHAPE and ministry for the purpose of propagating the Good News.
- Train the students to understand their place in God’s Kingdom, and the importance of this consciousness in helping them wield much influence and impact for the Kingdom.